Frequently Asked Questions
My notifications aren't showing?

Some organisations require applications to request access before allowing access to any data (including notifications) about their repositories.
To check if Gitify is approved by your organisation you can go to settings, then click on Gitify and scroll to Organization access.

GitHub Enterprise Server - Authorizing via OAuth?

If you want to use OAuth to authenticate with Gitify, first create a new application within GitHubSettingsDeveloper settingsOAuth Apps.
Complete all the fields, ensuring you use as the Authorization callback URL. Once saved, click on Generate a new client secret to get a client/secret pair that you can use with Gitify

Something looks wrong - How can I debug?

You can debug Gitify by pressing alt + command + I. This will open the dev tools and then you can see any logs, network requests etc.

How can I contribute to Gitify?

You can contribute to Gitify by opening a pull request @ gitify-app/gitify

Copyright © Gitify 2024. Developed by Manos Konstantinidis .